Auxiliary Deputy
- Details
- Parent Category: Enforcement
- Traffic
- Hits: 23942
The Will County Sheriff's Auxiliary has been in existence for almost 50 years and surprisingly very few people even know the group exists. The Auxiliary consists of men and women from all walks of life, truck drivers, construction workers, firemen, security guards, business owners and on and on. Ordinary people with a common bond, a desire and willingness to serve, that is the glue that keeps the group together.
The primary duties of the Auxiliary are to assist the Will County Sheriff's Police in case of emergencies. But there's more. Over the almost 50-year history, the group has proudly served seven sheriffs and has seen the best of times and the worst of times.
Members of the auxiliary have uniforms neatly hung in closets and with the ring of a phone or a beep of a pager, they have been called out in the middle of the night to assist staff deputies who are often already overwhelmed with their regular duties. Members have been to fires and floods, train wrecks and plane crashes, tornadoes and over-turned tankers. They have seen every kind of disaster know both natural and man-made. They have been fortunate enough to have assisted every city and village in Will County in their happier times as well. They have helped with parades and carnivals, festivals of all kinds and countless Fourth of July celebrations. They work with the DARE Program and with various charitable organizations such as Wish Upon A Star, March of Dimes, Cancer Society and Easter Seals.
They have worked with staff deputies and the Secret Service to assure smooth sailing for visiting Presidents and Vice Presidents. In short, if asked, they respond and the only compensation is in the satisfaction of a job well done!
Download - Application for Auxiliary Deputy
For more information or if you are interested in becoming a member, contact Sgt. Kyle Lakomiak at 815-727-3263 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. directly.